Understanding the dangers of our “virtual border”
Read Eric's latest article on Law Enforcement Today.
Eric contributes to a recent Washington Times article
Eric contributes to a Washington Times article that highlights...
Read Eric’s latest shocking human trafficking story
Let us all speak for those who can’t. Please like, comment, follow &...
Eric adds his perspective on the U.S. military readiness to fight & win a war
Eric contributed to this shocking article on human trafficking
Switched On presentation at St. Francis Parish
The St. Joseph community at St. Francis Parish in Acushnet, Ma is...
Eric’s recent trip to South Sudan exposes a child “concentration” camp.
Click below to listen to the full podcast or view the article.
Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons & Eric spent it at an orphanage in South Sudan.
Today is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons & Eric spent it at an...
Eric asks the hard question in his recent article published by Law Enforcement Today.
Is America a Safe Haven for Terrorists? Eric Believes So. See his latest Blue Magazine article.
Eric returns to Africa to discuss transnational crime
Eric returned to Africa to once again share best practices to assist...
Eric’s human trafficking case is highlighted in Voices of Courage Magazine
Voices Against Trafficking just released the Voices of Courage Magazine...
Read Eric’s Latest Article in BLUE Magazine
TERRORISM ALERT: How Washington will LEAD America into WWIII
Eric quoted in the Washington Times reference media leaks on former President Trump
Experts Warn of Descent Into Anarchy
I had the pleasure of working with John Ransom at the Epoch Times to...
NH Republican Party Presentation
The New Hampshire Republican Party is now Switched On. Take a look and...
Switched On – Homeland Security Miami, FL
Eric provided his Switched On philosophy to Special Agents in FL &...
Solving America’s Crisis. Start With Yourself
Read Eric Caron's latest article featured in the Blue Magazine....
Wildlife Trafficking Funding Transnational Crime & Terror
It was an honor to join subject matter experts gathered in Mombasa…
The Empty Chairs, Why America Failed Our Students
Read Eric’s insightful article featured on thebluemagazine.com on school...
Eric’s thoughts on Ukraine
Read Eric’s thoughts on Ukraine along with General Mike Flynn’s and other...
Are we on the verge of WWIII? A recent article by Eric Caron for Blue Magazine
Recently, I heard a homily from a Catholic priest who highlighted the...
Swithed On Receives High Praises from Former Senior DHS Official
Switched On Receives High Praises from Former Senior DHS Official
Eric Caron Interviewed by Booktrib
Eric Caron was recently interviewed by Booktrib, a leading news source...
Article by Eric Caron featured in “The Blue Magazine”
Recently an article written by the author of Swithced On, Eric Caron, was...
Switched On recognized by BookTrib as one of their “Top Posts of 2020”
Switched on was recently recognized by BookTrib, a leading source for...
Operation Russian Roulette
Liberal politicians have conspired with the liberal media outlets and...
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend
The enemy of my enemy is my friend is an ancient proverb which suggests...
Take Off The Uniform
"Take Off The Uniform" Black Lives Matter (BLM) posters are now hanging...
Switched On Reviewed on Booktrib
Switched On, The Heart and Mind of a Special Agent was recently reviewed...
A heartfelt letter from a fan of the book
The name has been redacted for privacy reasons, but I wanted to share...
Reframing the Immigration Debate – The Carnegie Case Study
Readers of my book or those listening to any of my interviews have heard...
5 to Survive – 5 Tips for Surviving an Active Shooter Event
During my twenty-five-year career as a U.S. Government Agent...
Back to Where it All Began
Recently my hometown paper of record did a story on my return to Greater...
Transnational Organized Crime – Threat to World Peace
Transnational Organized Crime - Threat to World Peace Attorney General...
SWITCHED ON… Preventing School Tragedies
It’s that time of year again...the excitement of the start of a new...
The Silent Killer of Police
Every day in America Law Enforcement Officers (LEO’s) come face to face...
Sometimes Intelligence Agencies Get it Wrong
Author of "Switched On", Eric Caron recently had an op-ed featured in his...
Living together as a team
The following is an except from the Book Switched On - The Heart and Mind...
Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset…Your Children: Be “Switched On” for Predators
Everyday in the news you hear the horrific details of how a child lost...
Why Border Security is National Security
According to the U.S. Gov't, anywhere between 15 - 20 million illegal...
Eric Caron Featured in Recent Article on Law Enforcement Today
Retired Special Agent and author behind Switched On, Eric...
The Mind/Body is a Weapon
If we train the mind, the body will follow and save your life. We must...
The Wisest Man I Ever Knew Was a Shoeshine Boy
The wisest man I ever knew was a shoeshine boy who taught me the...